New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance Internships
NECWA offers a wide range of internship opportunities to those in MA. Positions range from Drone Operators to Animators, all focused on developing the skills needed to pursue a career in marine science! Internships are available to students at both the high school and college levels.

New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance (NECWA) offers marine wildlife internships to upper level high school students, college students, and professionals in southeastern Massachusetts. Internships provide research opportunities, field experience, non-profit management, and skills building to those interested in marine science. Hands-on experience with field research techniques and data analysis better prepares young professionals for similar opportunities in their chosen field.
Currently, NECWA internship positions are unpaid. Interns must have their own transportation to the NECWA office based in Middleboro and to our field sites on Cape Cod and in the Southcoast area — Onset, Wareham, Marion, Mattapoisett, and Pocasset.
NECWA is focusing on 4 main projects:
New England Ocean Sunfish Project
- Rescuing and Studying Ocean Sunfish that Strand on Cape Cod
Spring Marine Wildlife Project
- Monitoring Horseshoe Crabs and River Herring
Southcoast Terrapin Project
- Studying Northern Diamondback Terrapins in Southcoast MA
Marine Wildlife Research and Rescue
- River Herring
- Horseshoe Crabs
- Ocean Sunfish
- Torpedo Rays
- Gray Triggerfish
- Basking Sharks
Click the link below to go to their page and read more!